Vavrovsky Heine Marth, Vienna
“The CAS in Arbitration provides you with an extensive insight into the various legal and economic topics in International Dispute Resolution. Along with that comes the great experience of learning about how to manage controversies in other cultures from most experienced, international faculty and classmates as well as the opportunity of broadening your international network.”
Dean of Marbella International University Centre, Marbella, Spain
“The first I have heard of SAA was when I was a visiting scholar at Columbia Law School (U.S.), where Professor Bermann was serving as my official sponsor. The SAA embodies "Swissness" on an international level - Swiss made world class course in arbitration. The SAA arbitration program equip graduates with the practical expertise they need to further develop in an increasingly international legal world. World class faculty combined with experienced international participants are the core elements of the impeccable CAS Program. The SAA has contributed to the necessary skill to impart work place related knowledge into my lectures along with the academic knowledge required to give students the best possible chance of success. I would strongly recommend the SAA and the CAS program to anyone who has passion for arbitration.”
Patent attorney, E. Blum & Co. AG, Zurich
“My best training course experience ever! Perfect course format, outstanding tutors from the international arbitration scene, small group of strongly motivated students from all over the world. Excellent combination of professional training, social networking and fun. Highly recommended, not only for lawyers.”
Counsel, Gama Power Systems Inc., Ankara, Turkey
“An in depth, comprehensive course taught by outstanding professionals. Their dedication to the course made it an enriching and enjoyable learning experience.”
Patocchi & Marzolini, Geneva
“I very much appreciated attending the Swiss Arbitration Academy; I believe that the combination of theoretical lectures and the exposure to the practice provide an effective and modern way to approach international arbitration. One should also not forget the opportunities offered by such an intensive course for improving the participants’ network in Switzerland and abroad.”
100% approval rate: All graduates from Class 2019/20 rated the overall experience as “Excellent”.